Welcome to a three - part Bible prophecy study regarding the coming border expansion of Israel, expiration date of the Islamic religion, and the end of terrorism. Part one addresses the coming expansion of Israel. On a near horizon is the dawn of a new era, bringing with it an enlarged and supercharged Jewish State. The tiny Middle East nation, presently struggling to maintain sovereignty over approximately 8000 sq. miles, is about to face off with two Goliath-like prophetic episodes. Victory over the coming events, described in Psalm 83 and Ezekiel 38-39, will catapult the nation Israel into Superpower Status!
According to Bible prophecy, Israel will soon be forcibly thrust into a massive war. Provoked into its own “Desert Storm” conflict, by the Arab nations listed in Psalm 83, Israel will launch a military campaign that will make the American led “Operation Iraqi Freedom” pale in comparison. OPERATION ISRAELI FREEDOM, as I refer to it, will go down as one of the most successful military campaigns in world history. The Israeli conquest is assured, and in partial fulfillment of Genesis 15:18, the Jewish State will enlarge its borders into portions of Gaza, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia. In the aftermath, the following events are foretold to occur:
1. The Border Expansion of the Jewish State.
2. “Exceedingly Great” Status Awarded to the Israeli Defense Forces.
3. The Establishment of Detention Camps for Arab Prisoners of War.
4. Divine Reinstatement of the Jews as “My people Israel”.
5. Achieved National Security for the Jewish State.
6. The Aliyah (Migration) of Additional Jews to the Middle East.
7. The Exploitation of Arab Lands, and Resources (Great Plunder and Booty).
8. The End of the Ancient Arab Hatred.
Details of these aftermath events, supported by numerous scriptures, are presented in the “Exceedingly Great Army” chapter of my new book, ISRALESTINE – The Ancient Blueprints of the Future Middle East, available at www.isralestine.net.
Psalm 83 is an event likely to occur within the next one to two decades. It is a prophecy describing an Arab coalition comprised of Palestinians, Syrians, Saudis, Egyptians, Jordanians, and associated terrorist entities, like Hezbollah, Hamas, and Al – Qaeda.[1] These populations, referred to by their ancestral equivalents in the Psalm, convene and converge in a war strategy aimed at the final elimination of the Jewish State. They [Arabs] say, “Come, let us wipe them [Jews] out as a nation; let the name of Israel be remembered no more!” (Psalm 83:4, NRSV)
Scholars tend to agree that history has not witnessed the final fulfillment of this Arab – Israeli war, suggesting it looms in the not so distant future. Collectively the surrounding Arab nations, inclusive of their terrorist bedfellows, will come against Der Judenstaat (German - The Jewish State) in a genocidal effort of their own. This Arab confederacy will leave Israel no option but to unleash OPERATION ISRAELI FREEDOM. In fulfillment of Isaiah 17:1, the world will likely witness Damascus go up in smoke, as the I.D.F. will be forced to pull the trigger on its best - kept secret weapon!
Jeremiah 12:14-17 GOD’S ROADMAP
In America’s zeal to maintain stability in the “Cradle of Civilization”, its leadership has implemented compromising foreign policy endangering both Jews and Arabs alike. Forcing the nation Israel to sit at a negotiating table with those opposed to her existence is not Biblically endorsed. Israel is destined for a period of prosperity and border expansion, and current proposals by the Bush administration calling for the cessation of, or evacuation from, Jewish settlements will fail and likely bring about adversity to America. Warning signs may already be in place, such as Hurricane Katrina, increased tornado and flood activity, the mortgage lending crisis, and record - breaking Real Estate foreclosure rates.
Pre-existent foreign policy, spelled out in Genesis 12:3, is designed to bless those who support Israel, and curse those who resist. This divine prescription for dealing with affairs between Jews and Gentiles was never abandoned, and is fully operational at present. Additionally, in accordance with Genesis 15:18, the Jews, who Gentiles are to bless, are promised land extending from the Nile River in Egypt to the Euphrates River of Syria and Iraq. The International community has allotted Israel only a small fraction of this holy land for their homeland. This unjust infringement is comparable to forcing Americans to reside in the tiny state of New Jersey, even though they are deserved of the landmass from “Sea to Shining Sea”, the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific.
Blueprinted in Jeremiah 12:14-17, and divinely implemented in the 20th Century, is God’s Roadmap Plan for Peace in the Middle East. His plan calls for the Palestinians to leave Israel and resettle in the lands of their ancestry. He promises a fertile future to those Arabs who obediently adhere. His Roadmap plan further requires that the Palestinians, and their Arab cohorts, support Israel, abandon their Allah worship, and turn their affections toward Him, Jeremiah’s God, Jehovah. If they fail to do all the above, then a severe reprisal will be levied for their national disobedience: “But any nation who refuses to obey me [Jeremiah’s Jehovah] will be uprooted and destroyed. I, the LORD, have spoken!” (Jeremiah 12:17, NLT; emphasis added)
Digesting all of the above, the following conclusions can be drawn:
1. The Psalm 83 nations will confederate against Israel in non-compliance with God’s Roadmap plan.
2. Present American Middle East peace efforts will fail to prevent an Arab – Israeli war.
3. The Arab states listed above are destined for divine judgment.
4. Israeli Defense Forces will shock the world with a show of superior strength.
5. The Jewish State will expand its sovereignty over captured Arab soil.
6. The world will witness Israel become one of its wealthiest nations.
7. Peace in the Middle East will be achieved militarily rather than politically.
[1] These populations are represented in Psalm 83:6-8 by their ancestral equivalents. Palestinian association to the Edomite contingency contained in the confederacy is in the Whodomite chapter of the book Isralestine. Terrorist organizations are only presumed by author to take part.
[2] Map designed by Lani Harmony at www.gallery3nine.com
Part two - “The Surrender of Allah’s Akbar”
For He will reduce to nothing all the gods of the earth…
(Zephaniah 2:11b, NKJV; emphasis added)
The gods that have not made the heavens and the earth shall perish…
(Jeremiah 10:11b NKJV; emphasis added)
The Hebrew prophets Jeremiah and Zephaniah declared approximately 2600 years ago, that their God Jehovah would someday destroy “all the gods of the earth”. Perched atop a lofty god-list inclusive of Satan, Shiva, Vishnu, and hundreds of other imposters, sits Allah. Part two of this three-part study explores the two primary prophetic episodes that, extinguish Allah, and expire Islam. In essence we will discover how Allah surrenders his Akbar. (Greatness)
Moments before taking a last breath many Israelis and Americans were forced to hear the explosive words, Allah or Allahu Akbar. This chant, often uttered by the Islamic suicide bomber on route to his supposed 70 heavenly virgins, alludes to Allah being greater than everything. This claim, which commonly leads Muslims worldwide into their daily prayers, is about to be heavily contested. This article estimates the remaining shelf life of Islam at 20 to 30 years, after which humanity will find it futile to further credit Allah with any Akbar.
In the very near future the world will witness two distinctly differing, and chronologically sequential, invasions of Israel. In both instances the assailant populations operate predominately under Islamic influence. The first episode, likely occurring within the next 10 to 20 years, aligns Palestinians, Syrians, Saudis, Egyptians, Jordanians, Lebanese, and associated terrorist organizations, like the Hezbollah, Hamas, and Al-Qaeda, (i) in a confederate effort to destroy the Jewish State of Israel. Psalm 83 describes this coming war, and alludes to these populations by their ancestral equivalents the, Edomites, Ishmaelites, Moabites, Hagarenes, Gebalites, Ammonites, Amalekites, Philistians, Tyrians, and Assyrians.
As pointed out in first of this three-part study, this confederation forces the Israeli Defense Forces (I.D.F.) to decimate this Arab coalition. It is in the context of this war that Zephaniah issues his Zenocidal (ii) decree: “The LORD will be awesome to them, For He will reduce to nothing all the gods of the earth; People shall worship Him, Each one from his place, Indeed all the shores of the nations.” (Zephaniah 2:11, NKJV; emphasis added)
Prior to issuing this decree against the false gods, Zephaniah 2:4-10 describes the I.D.F. take over of the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, as well as parts of Northern and Central Jordan. As my book Isralestine - The Ancient Blueprints of the Future Middle East points out; additional Arab soil is subverted by the I.D.F. at this time.
The point the prophet makes, is that his God Jehovah, is greater than the Arab god Allah. In ancient times, a god was to bless his worshippers in battle, and greatness (Akbar) was awarded to the god of the victor. The subject gods of Zephaniah’s prophecy were, Chemosh and Milcom. These gods along with numerous others were abandoned prior, or forfeited later, in favor of Allah. By the time the 7th century AD rolled around Allah, presided as the undisputed god of these Psalm 83 Arab populations. Hence in accordance with historical Hebrew precedence, comes the understanding that in bitter defeat, Allah will have failed to deliver his Akbar to the Arabs.
The I.D.F. conquest over the Psalm 83 Arab confederates will be the first of a one-two punch combination that knocks Allah down to the canvas and out for the count. The second devastating blow to the god of Islam is described in Ezekiel 38 and 39. Ezekiel foretells of a time when Gog of Magog, brings together the historical populations of Rosh, Meshech, Tubal, Persia, Ethiopia, Libya, Gomer, and Togarmah, to invade the nation of Israel. This coalition also banners Islam as its common denominator.
This Russian – Iranian led nuclear equipped alliance will be coming after the spoils Israel will possess as a result of their prior victory over the Psalm 83 Arabs. The I.D.F. will be no match for this assault, nor are they intended to be. As per Ezekiel 39:1-8, their God Jehovah plans to take care of these adversaries single-handedly, and in the process notify the world that He is alive, well, and powerfully sovereign.
At a recent Calvary Chapel Chino Hills, CA. prophecy conference on May 17, 2008, Joel Rosenberg the well known author and lecturer, suggested that the day following the conclusion of this prophetic Ezekiel event, should find Muslims hard pressed to remain faithful to Islam. The inference is that the embarrassment of worshipping an obviously incompetent god will cause many to question their Islamic faith. This author is in full agreement with this presumption.
In conclusion, the Psalm 83 and Ezekiel 38-39 prophecies present Anti-Semitic end time events having the fingerprints of Allah upon them. Lest he be a figment of Islamic imagination, then he like the fallen angels referenced in Jude 1:6, appears to have broken rank in pursuit of his own godhead gain. In an attempt to justify his departure, he has likely joined Satan in an apparent campaign to destroy the Jewish race. Allah pursues Jewish annihilation through the Psalm 83 and Ezekiel 38-39 episodes, whereas Satan reserves his genocidal effort for the Armageddon campaign during the Tribulation Period.
The collective goals of these three campaigns, is to destroy the Jews in order to prove that the God who promised Abraham a people forever, is a promise breaker. The rationalization behind this reasoning seems simple, if Satan, Allah, or any of the other god-imposters can destroy the Jews, then all of their fallen piers were justified in departing from the supposed perfect plan of Jehovah God.
The survival of the Jewish descendants of Abraham is paramount historical proof that Jehovah is a promise keeper. The collapse of the Psalm 83 and Ezekiel 38-39 confederacies bring with them the final surrender of Allah’s Akbar. With no god at its future helm, the Islamic Religion shall one day cease to exist.
(i) Author presumes terrorist organizations are to be included in the Psalm 83 event.
(ii) Zenocide and Xenocide are interchangeable words defining the genocide of an alien species.
Part three - “Jumping Jehoshaphat” - Judges Jihad
The terror you inspire… I will bring down, says the LORD. (Jeremiah 49:16, NRSV; abbr. emphasis added)
Stranded in airport security gridlock, travelers helplessly witness guards hold their toothpaste and tweezers hostage for fear of terrorist intent. Dumbfounded, they watch these items carted off to some form of, “hygiene hell in an armored hand-basket”, while considering the hassles “Terrorism” has put upon their daily lives! In this “Age of Turbulence”, as former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan calls it, a world threatened by terror wonders if the Bible foresaw its coming? YES, indeed it did, and in the third, and final part of this study we explore how Jehoshaphat, the Hebrew word for God-Judged, soon jumps all over terrorism, bringing it to an abrupt end!
Jeremiah, the Hebrew prophet, tells us that terror is the inspiration of a deceived mindset. He puts it this way – The terror you inspire and the pride of your heart has deceived you, you who live in the clefts of the rock, who hold the height of the hill. Although you make your nest as high as the eagle’s, from there I will bring you down,says the LORD. (Jeremiah 49:16, NRSV; emphasis added)
“Tiphletseth”, the ancient term Jeremiah utilizes, is translated as a shuddering, or horrific act, (i) and 2600 years ago it proved to be the best word available for describing our terror-plagued world today. Tiphletseth, only appearing this one time within the entirety of scripture, clearly associates TERROR with JUDGMENT!
Who is this terror inspiring, prideful population, Jeremiah says lives in the clefts of the rock, holding the height of the hill, and making their nest among the eagles? In the correlating passage of Obadiah 1:4, we find that they are those who set their nest amongst the stars, which is a Biblical typology for angels and / or the angelic realm. Furthermore, both prophets adamantly declare, that it is from this religiously elevated plateau, wherein “Jumping Jehoshaphat” causes these bad apples to fall. Fortunately, like Obadiah, Jeremiah, uses similar similitude’s from which we can, and should, glean comparative information.
Before analyzing the Hebrew idioms (e.g.-clefts of the rock, ascend like an eagle, and nest among the stars) (ii) remember in ancient times terms like, Palestinians, Hamas, Hezbollah, Al-Qaeda, Syrians, Iranians, Saudis, Jordanians etc. didn’t exist. These are all primarily 20th century concoctions describing the modern day descendants of the Edomites, Assyrians, Ishmaelites, Ammonites, Moabites, Persians, Philistians, and Tyrians etc. The former prophets were given the difficult task of describing future places, populations, and events without the use of a modern day vernacular. Therefore we must check the archives to ascertain whom these prophets were identifying for us, as deceived perpetrators of terror.
ISRALESTINE, The Ancient Blueprints of the Future Middle East, does exactly that. Several chapters’ identify the Palestinians, as the inspirational source of the tiphletseth, and that divine judgment will be executed upon them, and those that sponsor their tactics of terror. Furthermore, the following Biblical types are presented and expounded upon within the book:
Clefts of the rock – a place of spiritual covering or protection (Exodus 33:18-23).
Ascend like an eagle – referring to faith (Isaiah 40:31), divine blessing (Ex.19:3-4),and / or a military campaign (Jer. 48:40-42).
Nest among the stars – alluding to angels, or angelic realm (Job 38:7, Revelation 1:20, 12:3-4).
When the prophetic dots are connected, the message becomes clear.
The tandem usage by the prophets of terror (i.e.- tiphletseth), in combination with these specific spiritual typologies, cautions us that Terrorism is a religiously rooted military campaign. It is the offspring of a deceived population, believing their misbehavior is spiritually justified.
Islam did not exist as a world religion when these prophets wrote their warnings to humanity, and yet long ago they adequately and idiomatically foretold of the connection between Islam and Terrorism. Islam was destined to become wind beneath the deadly wings of terrorism, causing it to ascend to its present worrisome heights. Allah Akbar, referring to the god of Islam being greater than everything, is the final decree of the terrorist en route to his final kamikaze act.
Terrorism is the unconventional method of warfare adopted by the Palestinians, and their Islamic cohorts, when the conventional wars of 1948, 1967, and 1973 failed. It was then, the Arab States realized they needed to antagonize Israel from a new angle. They found an abundant refugee population of Palestinians, more than willing to blow themselves up for the greater good of Allah, and a passport to Islamic heaven.
The international community allowed terrorism to spin out of control by living under the illusion that it was an isolated Middle East problem. Unfortunately, this past decade the world has paid a stiff penalty for its deaf ear foreign policy. No longer has Islamic Jihad limited itself to Jerusalem bus bombings; rather Madrid trains, London subway stations, and New York skyscrapers, have also been successfully struck.
Humanity has been hijacked by Islamic Jihad, just as the prophets predicted. Their message further states, “from there I will bring you down, says the LORD”, suggesting that apart from divine judgment, there is no permanent diplomatic solution in sight.
The judgment, which both Jeremiah and Obadiah describe, affects the Edomite descendants of Esau. Isralestine provides a detailed analysis within the “Whodomite” chapter, as to who these modern day equivalents are. As you read this brand new cutting edge book, you will discover how, who, when, why, and where "Jumping Jehoshaphat" Judges Jihad, and in so doing makes an END of TERROR!
“Isralestine is a fascinating book about end time prophecy in the Middle East. The Lord has given the author a gift for understanding and applying ancient Hebrew prophecies to our day and time. The book is well researched and well written. It is not sensationalist in nature, nor is it wildly speculative. It is biblically based and contains some NEW INSIGHTS that help make sense of end time prophecies. I highly recommend it to all who are interested in understanding what God is doing in the Middle East today and what His plans are for the future of all the nations in the region.”
Dr. David R. Reagan – Lamb and Lion Ministries –www.lamblion.com
(i) New American Standard Exhaustive Concordance H8608
(ii) Obadiah 1:4
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