Monday, 27 October 2008

Dying to Win: The Strategic Logic of Suicide Terrorism
Dying to Win: The Strategic Logic of Suicide Terrorism (2005; ISBN 1-4000-6317-5) is Robert Pape's analysis of suicide terrorism from a strategic, social, and psychological point of view. It is based on a database he has compiled at the University of Chicago, where he directs the Chicago Project on Suicide Terrorism. The book's conclusions are based on data from 315 suicide terrorism campaigns around the world from 1980 through 2003 and 462 individual suicide terrorists.


The Growing Threat

Pape claims to have compiled the world’s first “database of every suicide bombing and attack around the globe from 1980 through 2003 — 315 attacks in all” . “The data show that there is little connection between suicide terrorism and Islamic fundamentalism, or any one of the world’s religions. . . . Rather, what nearly all suicide terrorist attacks have in common is a specific secular and strategic goal: to compel modern democracies to withdraw military forces from territory that the terrorists consider to be their homeland” . It is important that Americans understand this growing phenomenon .

Explaining Suicide Terrorism

Caveat: the book's conclusions do not hold for terrorism in general .

Pape distinguishes among demonstrative terrorism, which seeks publicity, destructive terrorism, which seeks to exert coercion through the threat of injury and death as well as to mobilize support, and suicide terrorism, which involves an attacker’s actually killing himself or herself along with others, generally as part of a campaign .

Three historical episodes are introduced for purposes of comparison: the ancient Jewish Zealots , the 11th-12th-century Ismaili Assassins , and the Japanese kamikazes . There was no suicide terrorism from 1945 to 1980 .

Modern suicide terrorism began in Lebanon in the 1980s , followed by cases involving the Tamil Tigers (July 1990), Israel (1994), Persian Gulf (1995), Turkey (1996), Chechnya (2000), Kashmir (2000), and the U.S. (2001) .

Five campaigns were still ongoing in early 2004, when Dying to Win was being written . Traditional explanations focus on individual motives, but fail to explain the specificity of suicide terrorism . Economic explanation of this phenomenon yields “poor” results . Explanation of suicide terrorism as a form of competition between radical groups is dubious .

Pape proposes an alternative explanation of the “causal logic of suicide terrorism”: at the strategic level, suicide terrorism exerts coercive power against democratic states to cease occupation of territory terrorists consider homeland, while at the social level it depends on mass support and at the individual level it is motivated by altruism . “The bottom line, then, is that suicide terrorism is mainly a response to foreign occupation” .

A Strategy for Weak Actors

The willingness of an attacker to die has strategic value (27-29). As a weapon of weak groups incapable of “denial” as a “coercive strategy,” suicide terrorism relies on punishment and, especially, “the expectation of future damage,” which provides coercive leverage (29-33).

[edit] Ch. 4: Targeting Democracies

Pape claims that his is the first complete analysis of suicide terrorism, as such revealing that not religion but “to compel democracies to withdraw military forces from the terrorists’ national homeland” is its key . Patterns of timing , nationalist goals , and the targeting of democracies reveal its logical, not irrational, nature. “At bottom, suicide terrorism is a strategy for national liberation from foreign military occupation by a democratic state” . Foreign occupation is defined in terms of control of territory (not military occupation alone) . The targets selected by suicide terrorists suggests nationalist, not religious, aims . Hamas and Al-Qaeda are analyzed in some detail. In general, the harshness of occupation does not strongly correlate with suicide terrorism .

Learning Terrorism Pays

Terrorists are predisposed to attribute success to their technique whenever plausible . Pape claims that “recent suicide terrorist campaigns . . . are associated with gains for the terrorists’ political causes about half the time” . Hamas’s success is difficult to evaluate, but Hamas spokespersons express belief in their own success . Terrorists learn from each other; the spread of the method is therefore neither irrational nor surprising . But suicide terrorism has failed “to compel target democracies to abandon goals central to national wealth or security” .

Occupation and Religious Difference

“[T]he taproot of suicide terrorism is nationalism” not religion . It is “an extreme strategy for national liberation” . This explains how the local community can be persuaded to re-define acts of suicide and murder as acts of martyrdom on behalf of the community . Pape proposes a nationalist theory of suicide terrorism, seen from the point of view of terrorists. He analyzes the notions of occupation , homeland , identity , religious difference as a contributor to a sense of “alien” occupation , foreign occupation reverses the relative importance of religion and language , and the widespread perception of the method as a “last resort” (. A statistical demonstration leads to the conclusion that a “linear” rather than “self-reinforcing spiral” explanation of suicide terrorism is best . However, different future developments of the phenomenon of suicide terrorism are very possible, and more study of the role of religion is needed .

Demystifying al-Qaeda

With increasing knowledge of al-Qaeda, we see that “the presence of American military forces for combat operations on the homeland territory of the suicide terrorists is stronger than Islamic fundamentalism in predicting whether individuals from that country will become al-Qaeda suicide terrorists” . “Al-Qaeda is less a transnational network of like-minded ideologues . . . than a cross-national military alliance of national liberation movements working together against what they see as a common imperial threat” . The nature of Salafism, a Sunni form of Islamic fundamentalism, is complex . Statistical analysis fails to corroborate Salafism-terrorism connection, but it does corroborate a connection to U.S. military policies in the Persian Gulf . Al-Qaeda propaganda emphasizes the “Crusader” theme, which is inherently related to occupation . Pape concludes that “the core features of al-Qaeda” are captured by his theory .

Suicide Terrorist Organizations around the Globe

Robert Pape examines other campaigns to see if the “dynamics that make religious difference important” are present in other terrorist campaigns, acknowledging the difficulty of the inquiry . He offers detailed analyses of Lebanon , Sri Lanka , the Sikhs in Punjab , and the Kurdish PKK in Turkey . His conclusion: “Religion plays a role in suicide terrorism, but mainly in the context of national resistance” and not Islam per se but “the dynamics of religious difference” are what matter .

Altruism and Terrorism

Pape presents a Durkheimian analysis of suicide . “Many acts of suicide terrorism are a murderous form of what Durkheim calls altruistic suicide” . Analytical difficulties are acknowledged . Pape uses suicide rates in general as points of comparison . Team suicide, which is frequent in suicide terrorism, is an indicator of altruistic suicide, he argues . Altruistic suicide is a socially constructed phenomenon : e.g. Hezbollah in Lebanon , Hamas , Tamil Tigers ; al-Qaeda . The altruistic nature of suicide terrorism suggests the number of potential terrorists is large, that suicide terrorism is capable of growing in attractiveness and appeal, and that any attempt at profiling will miss a substantial number of potential suicide terrorists .

The Demographic Profile of Suicide Terrorists

“In general, suicide attackers are rarely socially isolated, clinically insane, or economically destitute individuals, but are most often educated, socially integrated, and highly capable people who could be expected to have a good future” . Pape discusses problems of data-gathering (. He establishes 462 individuals in his “universe” of suicide terrorists available for analytical purposes . Hezbollah suicide bombers in the period 1982-1986 were 71% Communist/Socialist, 21% Islamist, 8% Christian . In general, suicide terrorists are in their early 20s . Females are fewer in Islamist groups: “Islamist fundamentalism may actually reduce the number of suicide terrorists by discouraging certain categories of individuals” . Female suicide terrorists tend to be older than male . There is no documented mental illness in any case of suicide terrorism, though there are 16 cases of personal trauma (e.g. the loss of a loved one) . Arab suicide terrorists are in general better educated than average and are from the working or middle classes . “[T]hey resemble the kind of politically conscious individuals who might join a grassroots movement more than they do wayward adolescents or religious fanatics” .

Portraits of Three Suicide Terrorists

Earlier work has tended to emphasize suicide terrorists’ irrationality, but this generalization fit 1980s data better than more recent data . Pape looks at three individual cases: Mohammed Atta ; Dhanu, a young woman from Jaffna, “the most famous Tamil Tiger suicide bomber” ; and Saeed Hotari, of Hamas .
A New Strategy for Victory

Though “we” cannot leave the Middle East altogether, Pape asserts, a “strategy for victory” is available . U.S. should define victory as the separate objectives of “defeating the current pool of terrorists” and preventing a new generation from arising . He rejects Frum-Perle view that the root of the problem is in Islam . “Rather, the taproot is American military policy” . The notion that Islamic fundamentalism is bent on world domination is “pure fantasy” . An attempt by the West to force Muslim societies to transform “is likely to dramatically increase the threat we face” . He calls for a policy of “‘off-shore’ balancing”: establishing local alliances while maintaining the capacity for rapid deployment of military forces .

logic of suicide terrorism
Conversation with History

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Sunday, 26 October 2008

Advice from the Quilliam Foundation, Children and "Westophobia"
The Quilliam Foundation is a counter-extremism think tank created by former activists of radical Islamist organisations. Its founders are familiar with the mindset and methods of extremist groups.

The following is intended to help teachers differentiate behaviours that should not be a cause for concern and behaviours that could indicate a young person is being influenced by extremists and developing a mindset that could lead them to accept and undertake violent acts.

Political ideology

— use of political propaganda that describes political systems and countries as 'Kufr' or anti-Islamic, and expressing the need to replace them with 'The Islamic system', or Caliphate; or citing movements such as Hizb ut-Tahrir may suggest a young person is becoming influenced by extremist ideologies and be early signs that a certain mindset is being developed. There is a difference between young people who are extremists and those who are rebellious teenagers. Rebellious teenagers identify with rebellious personalities and icons. Superficial statements supporting Al Qaida and Osama Bin Laden or the expression of an anti-American sentiment would not necessarily be indicators of extremism.

Suspended morality

— development of a mindset that distorts Islam and requires the young person to suspend all independent views of morality by focusing on scripture and interpreting scripture alone, without any external guidance to what is correct and incorrect behaviour. When a young person is programmed with this dangerous way of thinking they are then susceptible to being programmed into believing that violence is a legitimate means of achieving political goals.

Conspiratorial mindset and 'westophobia'

— this refers to a tendency to view the West in general as the source of all evil and troubles in the world. This involves accepting, in most cases without a shred of evidence, bizarre conspiracy theories that absolve the Muslim world of any fault, e.g. 7/7 was an inside job. Attached to this mindset is the idea that the west is the primary cause of failures in the Muslim world resulting in anti-western sentiment.

Ultra conservative outlook

— consistently holding what can at best be described as a conservative interpretation of scripture, i.e. a literalist reading of Muslim texts without consideration for the modern world. This is only problematic in connection with the above three points

*It is important to distinguish between conservative religious traditions and political religious movements. The observing of conservative religious traditions or spiritual attachment by reciting Quran, observing Islamic dress and clothing, growing a beard, seeking religious verdicts on their behaviour or not interacting with the opposite gender is not extremism, does not reflect any political agenda or indicate any persuasion into violent acts.

It is important to note that individually these points would not be problematic; but combined would be a cause for concern that should be pursued and referred through appropriate mechanisms.

The following are suggestions for ways to engage with young people and deter them from getting drawn into extremism:

Help young people develop an understanding and respect for other faiths and an appreciation that there are many different interpretations and traditions within Islam, all of which are equally 'Islamic'. This will help to make young people more resilient to the singular, narrow-minded perspective of extremists who contend there is only one Islamically acceptable world view.

Encourage young people to have personal contact and relationships with others from different faiths or backgrounds; this can help prevent the 'dehumanising' of other peoples and cultures. Give young people the opportunity to understand different religious and lifestyle perspectives in order to encourage empathy. For example, having discussions of ethical or moral issues such as abortion or drinking alcohol in a healthy and vibrant social development setting — such as a school RE or PSHE class — can be a barrier to demonising others and having a narrow-minded perspective based on a certain interpretation of scripture.

Give young people access to positive religious guidance and role models.

Expose young people to the real life experiences of those who have been involved in Islamist extremism and now reject such approaches to deter them from taking this path. - link

It is troubling that former extremists are seen as the only people who know how to deal with extremism.

Just because you have been an inmate of a mental hospital does not mean you are an expert in clinical psychology however former extremists are being lionised because they confirm the basic tabloid prejudice that violence is a natural part of being a Muslim.

So whose ignorance is being vindicated? Certainly the potential of an open, unapologetic belief in Islam as a valuable part of British society is not on the agenda.

At every stage of dealing with extremism, the government has made the wrong choice.

First, only British-trained imams were to be promoted, though how and what they were trained in was not examined.

Then there were to be road shows at which religious scholars selected for their moderation and tractability, rather than an understanding of the problems of young British Muslims, would explain the error of extremist ways.

Then Sufism was touted as the solution, and the Sufi Muslim Council was created as the voice of moderation.

Now the way forward is with sinners who were once mouthpieces for jihadi propaganda and advocated the violent rejection of all things western.

The thing nobody has suggested is engaging the silenced and diverse majority of Muslim communities.

If the debate of the mainstream is ignored, there is nowhere for those rescued from extremism to go. The silent majority is supposed to be groomed to embrace quietism - which explains why Sufi mysticism is in vogue - and, most important, to be put off politics for life.

Islam is not an ideology, but it is no more devoid of politics than Christianity. Far from "obeying" this government, Muslims are duty-bound to challenge it. Extremism is not only a religious issue; it is also a product of our politics. And tackling extremism requires changing politics as much as changing religious outlook.

Within the British Muslim community there are pockets of underachievement, under-employment and high unemployment. There are problems of education, health and social provision. All are festering ground for extremism; all are political facts. Then there are problems, which too few Muslims are prepared to acknowledge, that they share with sections of white British society: problems of family disintegration and drugs, of an existence devoid of opportunities to share in consumer culture. An escape from this existence is gang membership and drug culture, a kind of glorying in the indignity of one's existence. These, too, are political problems.

Most of all, British foreign policy has a direct bearing on nurturing extremism. The occupation of Iraq, the by products of the "war on terror", the perpetual suffering of the Palestinians are not amenable to deprogramming techniques.

So we don't need neo con ex-extremists to define what extremism is about. They are part of the problem, not the solution.

We do need a viable politics that tackles the root cause of extremism. Whatever the joy in heaven, we cannot allow former lunatics to take over the asylum. - link

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Wednesday, 1 October 2008

UN Observer: Group demands end to israeli infiltration of British Parliament
The following is a press release followed by a letter from the group to the British Committee on Standards in Public Life urging them to uphold the Seven Principles of Public Life and banish Friends of Israel advocates from Parliament.


Group urges Standards Committee to stamp out Israeli influence that paralyses heart of British government

As the twenty-one month long siege of Gaza becomes a death sentence for yet more civilians, a group in the UK with experience of the Occupied Territories is urging the Committee on Standards in Public Life to examine whether there is undue Israeli influence at the heart of British government.

The blockade stops vital medical supplies going in and prevents chronically sick patients (including children) transferring to proper hospital treatment outside Gaza. Israel’s deep penetration of our political system, says the group, is preventing Britain from taking a principled stand on Middle East matters, including the long catalogue of grotesque violations of Palestinian human rights, of which the Gaza siege is only the latest example. Conservative Friends of Israel, for example, claim the support of 80 percent of Tory MPs.

Signatories to the letter include Mona Baker, Karl Sabbagh, Derek Summerfield and Felicity Arbuthnot.

Spokesman for the group is David Halpin, a trauma surgeon, who has spent all of the last five years of his retirement standing with the Palestinians for Justice. He has seen the destruction of lives, limbs, livings and hope at first hand. He advised the Hamas government how they should investigate the use of illegal weapons by Israel. In March, he lead a team of seven UK doctors into Gaza. The Dove and Dolphin Medical Centre was opened then. This is named after the symbolic voyage he led five years ago from which the charity was named...

He says: "It is insufficient that humans should weep beneath the crucifixion of the Palestine people in 2007 AD. They must halt it forthwith."

Businessman Stuart Littlewood, who was in Gaza last month, remarked: "When you urge the British government to act for justice you are blocked at every turn by Friends of Israel in high places. No-one, it seems, is prepared to break the siege and land humanitarian supplies on Gaza's beach. What happened to our Christmas spirit?"

Felicity Arbuthnot campaigned for many years in Iraq. She says: "The horrors inflicted on Gaza and Iraq and threatened elsewhere in the Middle East are encapsulated for me by a young doctor. She had the skills but was denied the facilities and medications so she watched helplessly as her young patients died. 'There is a hole where my heart should be,' she said. In the name of our common humanity, as Eid, the Jewish Festival of Light and Christmas are celebrated, ENOUGH!"

The group invites readers to join them in pressing the Standards Committee to uphold the seven Principles of Public Life and banish lobby groups acting on behalf of foreign military regimes. Write to:
Mr Peter Ramsden
Secretary to the Committee
Committee on Standards in Public Life
35 Great Smith Street
London SW1P 3BQ

More information from....
David Halpin, 01364 661115
Stuart Littlewood, 01760 755349
Felicity Arbuthnot, 0208 985 0058

Castle Acre

19 December 2007

Mr Peter Ramsden
Secretary to the Committee
Committee on Standards in Public Life
35 Great Smith Street
London SW1P 3BQ

Dear Mr Ramsden,

How the Israel Lobby undermines the Principles of Standards in Public Life – a Matter for Investigation

Those signing this letter know the Occupied Territories and in particular Gaza, and are deeply concerned about the appalling conditions forced on the civilian population by the Israeli blockade and sanctions imposed by Britain and the EU.

Devastating blockade

This Christmas innocent Gazans are starving. Critically ill cancer and renal failure patients die an agonising death, unable to receive treatment because Israel blocks vital drugs and other medical supplies, including dialysis machine spares, and prevents the sick crossing the border for proper hospital care. New-born babies and those just months old are dying too, denied treatment. The United Nations Declaration of the Right of the Child lies buried under the sands of Gaza.

Israel has even imposed a fishing ban on the 3000 licensed fishermen, robbing them of their livelihood and the population of a proper diet. Boats ignoring the ban are fired on. Are those not Palestinian territorial waters? Have Palestinians no rights under the UN Law of the Sea Conventions?

The Gaza siege is the latest in a very long catalogue of Israeli violations of Palestinian rights. It has been allowed to develop into a full-blown humanitarian crisis and Britain, to its shame, has a hand in it. Furthermore it is a racist outrage that Christians and Muslims are together made to suffer so horribly at the hands of the Israeli state.

A letter was delivered through Henry Bellingham MP to the Foreign Office minister responsible for the Middle East, Kim Howells, suggesting (as many others have done before, including charities such as War on Want) that Britain consider suspending the EU-Israel Association Agreement. The rules provide for this if Israel’s conduct towards its neighbours falls short of what is required under the UN Charter and other obligations.

On 11 October Mr Howells replied: “We consider that the Association Agreement is a key tool for the EU to both enhance co-operation with Israel but also to raise any concerns. We do not support suspension of that Agreement, which would limit how we could put our viewpoint across to the Israeli government.”

When the EU demanded an end to the emergency in Gaza and also the military occupation of the West Bank, Israel responded with an even tighter lockdown and another letter was sent to Mr Howells. He responded on 30 November saying: “The Government does not support calls for the suspension of the EU/Israel Association Agreement. The UK…has strong relationships with Israel on a number of fronts… We do not consider it would be in the best interests of the UK, or the European Union, to end this relationship.”

Mr Howells is a former chairman of Labour Friends of Israel. His shadow is a member of Conservative Friends of Israel.

The minister has subsequently been asked to explain what "viewpoint" Her Majesty’s Government has put to the Israeli government regarding the medieval-style siege of Gaza and the collective punishment of already impoverished civilians in flagrant breach of the UN Charter and every conceivable code of conduct.

What action have he and his Department taken to alleviate the suffering in this former British mandate? What is the status of the coastal waters off Gaza? How can Israel maintain a sea blockade lawfully and deny Gazan fishermen their livelihood?

How does continuing the Association Agreement in these cruel circumstances "enhance co-operation", and what "concerns" have been raised with the Israeli government?

No answers to these questions have yet been received.

British MPs eating out of the Israeli government’s hand

In the meantime your Committee is aware how the lobby group, Friends of Israel, has embedded itself in the British political establishment and at the very heart of government. Its stated purpose is to promote Israel's interests in our Parliament and sway British policy.

MPs are surely not at liberty to act in the interest of a foreign military power at the expense of our own national interests, or to let foreign influence cloud their judgement. Such conduct is at odds with the second of the Seven Principles of Public Life, namely Integrity“Holders of public office should not place themselves under any financial or other obligation to outside individuals or organisations that might seek to influence them in the performance of their official duties.”

The Friends of Israel organisation goes to great lengths to influence those in power. Indeed a good many, it seems, reach positions of power with FoI help. The political director of Conservative Friends of Israel claims that with over 2,000 members and registered supporters alongside 80 percent of the Conservative MPs, CFI has become the largest affiliated group in the party.

Its website states that the CFI "strives to support the Conservative Party at all available opportunities. In the run up to the 2005 General Election… CFI supported candidates up and down the country. As candidates are now being continuously selected for target seats, CFI has developed a special programme of weekly briefings, events with speakers and a chance to participate in delegations to Israel. CFI encourages all members to help campaign for parliamentary candidates and also for local council, London and European elections."

It also has a ‘Fast Track’ group for Conservative parliamentary candidates fighting target marginal seats at the next election. The political director himself is seeking election to Parliament. If successful where will his loyalty lie?

Senior Conservatives try to justify these activities by insisting that Israel is "a force for good in the world" and "in the battle for the values that we stand for, for democracy against theocracy, for democratic liberal values against repression - Israel's enemies are our enemies and this is a battle in which we all stand together".

Such claims do not bear examination. Israel is no western-style democracy. It is an ethnocracy with racist policies and an apartheid agenda. It is a cruel oppressor, stands in breach of numerous UN resolutions, ignores International Court of Justice rulings and continues an illegal occupation, abusing its neighbours and stealing their lands and resources. It cares little for world opinion. How could anyone [of] fair mind and knowing the situation on the ground possibly support such a regime in the name of the British people, unless unduly under its influence?

Friends of Israel campaign loudly against Palestinian ‘terrorism’ without mentioning that since the start of the second Intifada in September 2000 Israelis have been slaughtering Palestinians at the rate of 4 to 1, and when it comes to children it is nearer 10 to 1 (Israeli B’Tselem figures). They never mention the ‘Matrix of Control’ and the perverse administrative procedures imposed by the Israelis in order to restrict travel, strangle the economy, bulldoze homes, confiscate lands and press ahead with their programme of ethnic displacement.

Friends of Israel repeatedly campaign for the release of a handful of Israeli soldiers like Gilad Shalit, corporal tank gunner, but ignore the 9,000+ Palestinian civilians abducted from their homes and incarcerated, often without trial, including some 300 women and 150 children. Many have been tortured, like Luwaii Ashqar whose lower lumbar spine was probably broken during 4 days of vicious, non-stop torment – see and prepare to be sickened.

What is the basis for Britain’s decision to outlaw elected leaders (Hamas) who rightly refuse the illegal demands of an armed occupier (Israel)? And why has there been no outcry in Britain against the unlawful and inhuman siege of Gaza?

Courted, cosseted and lied to by the Israeli state, Friends of Israel present a distorted picture to their Parliamentary colleagues and the British public. Such people cannot be relied on to make balanced policy decisions concerning the Middle East. When speaking on such matters they should at least be required to declare their interest.

It is especially disconcerting to discover that at least two members of your Committee, which is pledged to uphold the Principles of Public Life, are Friends of Israel - namely Baroness Shephard, president of Conservative Friends of Israel and Alun Michael MP, a member of Labour Friends of Israel. Your website suggests that Baroness Shephard relinquished her pro-Israel position in 2005 but the CFI website contradicts this.

‘Friendship’ misplaced

The danger of inappropriate 'friendships' with foreign regimes became even more evident last week when Tzipi Livni, Israel's foreign minister, was reported to have twice asked David Miliband, our Foreign Secretary, to scrap the law that authorises magistrates to issue arrest warrants for suspected war criminals who set foot in the UK. Avi Dichter, a former director of the Shin Bet spy service and involved in the Shehadeh assassination in 2002, in which 14 Palestianian civilians (including children) were killed by an Israeli air strike, had to cancel a trip to London for fear of being arrested.

Doron Almog, an Israeli ex-general also involved in the Shehadeh affair, narrowly avoided arrest when he landed at Heathrow in 2005. Now Israel wishes the UK to change its laws to protect alleged war criminals. How can we be sure this will not happen in the name of “enhanced co-operation”, as Mr Howells puts it.

Given that Israel’s deep penetration of our political system apparently prevents Britain from taking a principled stand on Middle East matters, including the violations of Palestinian human rights, we invite your Committee – minus those with an interest – to uphold the Principles of Public Life and consider the activities of the Friends of Israel as a matter for urgent investigation.

For truth and justice,


Mona Baker, Professor of Translation Studies, BA, MA, DSc

Sally FitzHarris, MA (Oxon)

Karl Sabbagh, writer

Sara T A Wood, MA (Oxon)

Derek Summerfield, Hon Senior Lecturer, Institute of Psychiatry, King's College and Teaching Associate, Refugee Studies Centre, University of Oxford

David Halpin, MB, BSc, FRCS,

Stuart Littlewood, BA, MInstM

Martin Birnstingl, MS FRCS, previously senior surgeon at St Bartholomew's Hospital, London

Felicity Arbuthnot

Rich Wiles, Artist

Dr.C.J.Burns-Cox, MD, FRCP

Dr Nur Masalha, Reader in Religion and Politics and Editor of Holy Land Studies: A Multidisciplinary Journal

David Seddon, MA PhD

Robert Shearer, MB BS FRCS, Consultant Urological Surgeon (retd)

Medical Director, Royal Marsden Hospital, London 1994-2000.

James Goddard, MBE and Tricia Goddard

Sue Fanous, BSc, MA

Colin Imber, formerly Reader in Turkish Studies, University of Manchester

Mary Bedforth

(Ed. Note. Addresses in the original have been deleted for obvious reasons.)

Essential information for the Committee….

PCHR Weekly Report: Israeli Human Rights Violations

Walt & Mearsheimer: The Israel Lobby

John Pilger

USA’s Israel Lobby

Jeff Halper: Israel’s Strategy for Permanent Occupation

Privatising Zionism

Uri Avnery: Talk with Hamas Now

Facts about the Founding Fathers of Israel

40 Years of House Demolitions

Gaza: A Call for Urgent Action

Not Only Territory but Viability

Matrix of Control

Torment and Torture

Finally, a quiz to test the knowledge of any Friend of Israel on the Refugee issue

Lest we forget…..

The Seven Principles of Public Life

The Committee has set out ‘Seven Principles of Public Life’ which it believes should apply to all in the public service. These are:

    1. Selflessness

      Holders of public office should act solely in terms of the public interest. They should not do so in order to gain financial or other benefits for themselves, their family or their friends.

    2. Integrity

      Holders of public office should not place themselves under any financial or other obligation to outside individuals or organisations that might seek to influence them in the performance of their official duties.

    3. Objectivity

      In carrying out public business, including making public appointments, awarding contracts, or recommending individuals for rewards and benefits, holders of public office should make choices on merit.

    4. Accountability

      Holders of public office are accountable for their decisions and actions to the public and must submit themselves to whatever scrutiny is appropriate to their office.

    5. Openness
      Holders of public office should be as open as possible about all the decisions and actions that they take. They should give reasons for their decisions and restrict information only when the wider public interest clearly demands.

    6. Honesty

      Holders of public office have a duty to declare any private interests relating to their public duties and to take steps to resolve any conflicts arising in a way that protects the public interest.

    7. Leadership

      Holders of public office should promote and support these principles by leadership and example.

It's time to demand an end to the israeli occupation of our governments. -link

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Conservative Friends of Israel
Conservative Friends of Israel is one of the biggest affiliated groups to the Conservative Party with over 80% of MPs as members and over 2000 registered supporters (most of whom are Party members). CFI has activists all over the UK. CFI regularly lobbies Conservative MPs, Lords, MEPs and advisors to make the case for Israel. At CFI, we ensure Conservative politicians make Israel's case in Parliament, in the UK and Europe.

Conservative Friends of Israel is "committed to the Conservative Party and to the welfare of the State of Israel and dedicated to establishing close links between Great Britain and Israel.

The Conservative Friends of Israel is an independent, self-financing and autonomous organization. The CFI aims to foster greater understanding about and sympathy for Israel within the Conservative Party.

At the time of the iraq war vote over 80% of Conservative MPs (who carried the vote in the Commons) were in Conservative Friends of Israel.

Dr Liam Fox made the group's case for them. He is quoted on the CFoI website as saying: "...We must remember that in the battle for the values that we stand for, for democracy against theocracy, for democratic liberal values against repression - Israel’s enemies are our enemies and this is a battle in which we all stand together or we will all fall divided.”

They run six deputations to Israel a year – paid for by the organisation. They engage in intensive lobbying – (including providing briefing notes to Gordon Brown), They maintain constant contact with the Israeli embassy.

Their website is stridently anti Hezbollah and they maintain a careful vetting of all new Parliamentary candidates. “Within the Conservative Party, we actively support candidates, especially in marginal constituencies. Our programme for prospective parliamentary candidates provides weekly briefings, events with speakers, and a chance to participate in delegations to Israel. Our members give financial support and campaigning help where it matters.”

Rt Hon David Cameron MP, Leader of the Conservative Party has stated “I am proud not just to be a Conservative, but a Conservative Friend of Israel; and I am proud of the key role CFI plays within our Party.” His recent tour of Israel began with a two hour Black Hawk helicopter flight with the Israeli defence minister to see the country's borders.

He is a member of Conservative Friends of Israel as well as Anglicans for Israel. Cameron calls himself a “Zionist” (in an age in which that is not particularly popular.) David Cameron is also an unapologetic admirer of Senator McCain and he was the first Conservative Party leader in years to visit President Bush.

"There is something deep in our Party’s DNA that believes in Israel" - David Cameron

Boris Johnson:

Boris has said about a Palestinian suicide bomber: “What made him leave the Askar refugee camp near Nablus, pass through the Hawara checkpoint, and kill himself and three blameless Israelis, including Leah Levine, a Holocaust survivor? How could anyone persuade a child to do this?”

As Mayor, Johnson has said “I am delighted that one of my first acts as Mayor of London is to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the creation of Israel…I will do whatever I can to extend the hand of friendship to Israel, a nation I believe in, support and admire.”

This is a sea change in the attitude of the London mayoral position.

A finnish billionaire who inherited a fortune from the arms trade and has extensive gambling interests in Las Vegas emerged as one of David Cameron’s major financial backers.

Poju Zabludowicz, who lives in London, has donated £70,000 to the Conservative party over the past three years. He is also one of the financial supporters of the Conservative Friends of Israel, which has also given to the party.

Zabludowicz, 55, heads the Tamares Group, which has its headquarters in Liechtenstein and has an international property portfolio, which includes a number of hotels and casinos in Las Vegas. Zabludowicz is calculated by The Sunday Times Rich List to be worth more than £2 billion. Conservative Friends of Israel has given to a number of Conservative constituency associations, particularly in the run-up to the last election. The organisation, which has given £29,000 to the Tories between 2003-06, is not required to reveal its financial backers. It has targeted constituencies where sitting Labour MPs have been senior figures in Labour Friends of Israel.-link

The Conservative Friends of Israel (CFI) are a successful force, claiming a large majority of Tory MPs as members. It is frankly perverse for Charles Moore to complain in the Daily Telegraph that the Conservatives have gone awry since the good old days, when the natural Tory outlook included "a greater sympathy for Israel than for those who were trying to destroy her", since if anything the change has been the other way round.

When does he think that greater sympathy for Israel was ever a distinctively Conservative position?

In the days when I attended Tory conferences, you could be entertained one evening by the CFI, with the late Duke of Devonshire in the chair, but on the next by the Council for Arab-British Understanding and such luminaries as Ian Gilmour and Dennis Walters.

Going further back, AJ Balfour was the Tory premier and then foreign secretary who signed the eponymous declaration in 1917 favouring a Jewish homeland in Palestine, and came to favour a Jewish state (as with many gentile Zionists, his attitude to Jews was highly ambiguous; he described privately how uneasy he once felt at a dinner party where "Hebrews were in an actual majority").

And yet his successor as foreign secretary took the opposite view. That highest of high Tories Lord Curzon deplored the Balfour declaration. He thought that a Jewish homeland could only mean a grave injustice to the inhabitants of Palestine. It would inflame hundreds of millions of Muslim subjects of the British empire. And as to the Jewish people themselves and the idea of transporting them to the Levant, "I cannot think of a worse fate for an advanced and intellectual community," Curzon said.

In his day Curzon might have seemed the truer Tory than Balfour, and it's only recently that his spirit has been stifled in his old party. That is all the more so with the arrival of MPs such as Crabb, Carswell, and the egregious Michael Gove, the Times columnist and MP for Surrey Heath, a copy of whose Muslim-bashing diatribe Celsius 7/7 is given to every lucky person who joins the CFI.-link

Cameron faces revolt over Israel


* Stuart Polak, Director
* Robert Halfon, Political Director
* Stephanie Leven, Projects Director
* Nathalie Tamam, Research Manager
* Julie Tamir, Secretary
* Charlotte Polak, Membership Secretary

Parliamentary Group

* Chairman: Rt Hon James Arbuthnot MP
* Vice Chairmen: Sir John Butterfill; James Clappison MP
* Secretary: David Amess MP
* Officers: Alistair Burt MP; Lee Scott MP; Theresa Villiers MP
* Chairman of CFI Europe: Timothy Kirkhope MEP

Honorary Officers

* President: Rt Hon Baroness Shephard of Northwold
* Vice Chairmen: Jeremy Galbraith; Betty Geller; Lord Taylor of Holbeach CBE; Stanley Cohen OBE; Michael Heller
* Vice Presidents: Rt Hon Sir Timothy Sainsbury; Lord Lane of Horsell; Sir Michael Latham DL; Lord Sanderson of Bowden; The Lord Steinberg; Lord Thomas of Gwydir QC

Executive Board

* Richard Harrington (Chairman)
* Lance Anisfeld; Lorraine da Costa; Jonathan Gough; Andrew Heller (Hon. Treasurer); Steven Kaye; Edward Lee; Howard Leigh; Stephen Massey; David Meller; Jonathan Metliss; Gary Mond; Stephan Shakespeare; Barry Welck; Hilda Worth

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